Thursday, December 24, 2009

Too much snark for my tastes.

by Anonymous

Part of the problem is Fugs feeds off BS behind a private board- 

Horsedopia Rules is a private proboard that was founded to rip members of Horsetopia apart. The civil minded moderators of HT banned or censored these people because well, because they are skanks like Cathy. Now the attitude is a huge whine "But they won't LET us teach good horsemanship. We get banned"

No shit, assholes. 

There is a difference in delivery of information. Civility rules at HT. And education can be done in a proper and polite manner.

Note a thread on Horsedopia about a topic with an honest question... 
(Wow!!! Why the nasty? As pointed out in the last reply- it may seem simple, but there is quite a bit about horse nutrition to learn)

farmeress posts:

What are pellets?« Thread Started on Dec 9, 2009, 2:29pm »


I know that this is off track, but if you can explain, just so I can keep up. What is the difference between sweet feed, pellets, and grain? Thought I had a handle on it but just found out that I'm clueless.I don't know anything about this cocaloda person, but there is a horse in their avatar that I assume is theirs... and they don't know the difference between sweet feed, pellets, and grain!? Are they being sarcastic or is that a serious question? I don't have any issues with a quest for knowledge, but you should know something like that BEFORE you have a horse, no???

replies below:

Belle (administrator): Oh wow. Totally agree that this is something you should know BEFORE owning a horse.

apocalypsepony: I'm sure there is a basic horse book with pictures that illustrates the difference. One of Cherry Hill's no doubt.It's called a library. Use it.

Belle: And a lot of your feed stores do carry little pamphlets with the feed info in them, explaining what the difference is.

cat67 (aka FHOTD, Cathy Atkinson): How complicated IS it? Don't you know what a pellet of SOMETHING looks like?

OhForCryingOutLoud: dah, rabbit pellets?wood stove pellets?maybe Ol'Blaze wants some wood pellets to eat. He always chews the wood in his stall - wood pellets might help.

hmm: You know what, kudos to the person for asking - it may seem simple, but there is quite a bit about horse nutrition to learn - and even though it seems simple to many of us and it's a very basic question - well it prob should be spelled out at least somewhere in basic form.


  1. There is a picture of the featured horse...with a date on the picture. 2005/01/04. Can we spell scam?!

  2. kudos to the commenter hmmmmmm.
    One voice of reason, 4 BarnBitches.
    Out numbered, again.
    I see the trend, don't you?

    Vincent Van Gogh-lia Syndrome, kestrel.
    gasp is good.

    Hey, ya know, This rescue seems to be doing it mostly right. The rider in the demo-videos is really good. Oh, pick-apartable-able, (what isn't) but a waste of time. Nice rider.
    Oh, here's that link..Just made me feel a bit better about it, ya know?

    Cookies? Milk?

  3. I seldom go to HD anymore because of cat67/fhotd. That may be immature of me, but honestly there's not much going on there anyway...more of the same old thing day after day.

    My impression is that many of the HDians merely tolerate her presence there, much like any other poster who is irrelevant but allowed to stay and post because the board prefers to be unmoderated.

  4. You are 100% correct McCoy. She is only tolerated on HD as far as I can tell.

  5. Whomever on that board commented on feed stores having pamphlets...they either overpay for their feed at some fancy feed store, or they have no clue. Mine doesn't have any. Neither does the other one farther away. I personally don't see the big deal in the question. Does any horse person really know about them? Heck, nutrition classes don't cover the difference. In the end, a feed that works for the horse works. All of it is formulated to have the proper nutrition to it.

    Poor thing who posted even said she thought she knew before. It's easy to be misinformed, and it's a big step to move away from that. Shame fugs can't figure out how to take that path.
